Friday, November 2, 2007

Vintage Ella

This is my baby blessing dress from 1977 accessorized with Grandma Lois Jean Spencer's baby bonnet from 1955-ish. Can't get over it.

Happy Halloween!

I'm suprised at myself that I had so much fun taking Alec around to trick-or-treat. Maybe it was how he explained everything in his stash to the dracula that asked him what he had in his bucket just making conversation. Or perhaps it was that he made me carry the bucket until he got to each door. Or that he kept asking me "Mom...what's that scary noise?" referring to the spooky halloween sounds coming from a decked out front door. He didn't seem to be as stoked about the entire package of candybars he got from the neighbors across the grass. But somehow I was having the time of my life. I guess that was it. It's the best time of my life.