Monday, October 11, 2010

Little Ella Kate

Happy Halloween from Ella! She has decided that "her" baby in my tummy will have the name "Kate Daphne" and just TRY and talk her into something else. She is a CEO in the making. She just doesn't take no for an answer. Someone should send her a memo that we are actually thinking of the name Ivy. Wonder how she'll take it. She is th-th-three! Alec taught her a few weeks ago to ditch the "F" and try the good ol "th" instead. He is the BEST life coach....he'll be available for hire in the year 2021.

Friday, October 1, 2010

First Day of School!

Ella LOVES preschool. The jury is still OUT for Alec on Kindergarten. But man do each of them dig getting their picture taken.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Anaphalactic Alec

Poor little Alec seems to be alergic to several medications, and this time it ended us up in the ER. Epi pen here we come! Think I can pull it off if I need to?? Of course I can. I'm a MOM!

Friday, September 24, 2010

It's a girl!!!

We are having another Girl! How exciting that I can pull out all the things that Ella wore once and give them one more go at life. I was just looking at my friend Kate and Dan Moss's Photography site and thinking I might need to fly the wee little thing to Utah to get her little newness all shown off by Kate. Check her out here at Peekaboo Photography.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Steve and Emma got hitched!!

We took pictures with millions of blossoms on the blossom trail with our friends the Westwood family.