Friday, October 1, 2010

First Day of School!

Ella LOVES preschool. The jury is still OUT for Alec on Kindergarten. But man do each of them dig getting their picture taken.


Laurie said...

Those two munchkins are so DANG cute!

Roger and Kari said...

I just want to squeeze them! Gosh, I miss you guys.

Marissa Joy said...

We need to talk! We have so much to catch up on. I can't beleive Alec is in school, ah! We must be getting old. We love you guys. Go home for thanksgiving and we'll meet you there. xoxo

Matt and Valerie said...

How I miss you!!! Do you ever come to Utah? It's been way too long. Hope all is well with you guys - what's your due date? Sure love you!!

Nicole said...

Sorry about the allergy boy. Cute halloween-ing pictures and....

beautiful children!!....and you're having a girl?! That is so great! Congratulations!!! When are you due? from your out-of-touch (but favorite) cousins!