Tuesday, August 7, 2007

San Diego

Ya gotta love these kids!
Some inner need for Disneyland took over my whole body this year and even though I didn't ride a single roller coaster, I loved every minute of the dang place! I think everyone went to appease me. But I love em for it. But I had at least two fans. Alec and Caden bawled after almost every ride not wanting to get off. In fact I actually had to pry Alec's fingers off of the carousel horse after the ride attendant asked us to leave!
We all had a blast at the beach!
Brady happened to find the manufacturer of Victoria Skim Boards...say no more!


Marissa Joy said...

I am so jealous. It looks like you had a lot of fun in San Diego. I wish that we could have been there. I love the pictures.

Steph said...

I hope that you don't mind that I linked here from Marissa's blog. Larry and I are heading to visit his mom in Orange County at the end of September and I'm wondering if Disneyland will be worth it with a baby. Did you still have fun and did you manage to go on any of the rides?

Plain Jame said...

Awww how fun. We went in march to disneyland and it was so much more fun than I thought it was going to be! I want to go again!!!
We missed you at the reunion, wished you could've been there - hope to see you soon and meet your kids. I love to visit your blog, keep the stuff coming - I have the same interests as you.
(does this mean anything to you? I just got a Canon L lense.)